Monday, September 20, 2010

Different Theories Related Beginning Of Languages

As we accelerating towards latest technologies, latest tools or techniques which completely tells as about the Present, Past or even event Future events. But there is still a question which was never able to answer in today’s era. How do we transfer from animal language (e-g symbols, sounds, etc) to human readable and writeable language?
Theories Related to Origin Of Language
·         The Mama Theory states that a language began with the easiest or simplest syllables which attaches to the most significant objects.

·         The Bow-Wow Theory states that a language began with different natural sounds such as moo, choo-choo, crash, clang, buzz, bang, meow...  This is more technically referred to as echoism.
The Pooh-Pooh Theory states that a language began with different types of cries (interjections, instinctive emotive) Ouch! for pain or Oh! for surprise etc

After that a lot of theories came into begin such as The ding-dong theory , The yo-he-ho theory, The sing-song theory etc but the latest theory which was accepted all over the world is the Eureka Theory,

·         The Eureka Theory state that language was consciously invented.  Perhaps some ancestor had the idea of assigning arbitrary sounds to mean certain things.  Clearly, once the idea was had, it would catch on like wild-fire!

Same is the case with the history of Urdu language, Languages do not originate overnight, they take centuries to evolve and develop and similarly it took about 5 to 6 centuries to standardize grammatical structure of Urdu. Urdu is a conglomeration of many different languages manly Arabic, Persian, Pashtu, Turkish, Hindi and some local dialects of India.


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