Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The importance of unity among the Urdu speaking people

The Urdu language is spoken all over the world. Especially in the sub-continent, a significantly large population speaks Urdu. However, in the international community the importance of Urdu is not as much realized as some of the other languages of the world. The examples of these internationally acclaimed languages are English, Spanish, French, and German etc.
It is a fact that even the Chinese language is more internationally recognized as compared to the Urdu language. “What is the reason for that?” any intuitive mind would readily think. If the population plays a role in the spread and recognition of a language then why does not the Urdu language, is famous?

Well a simple answer to this question is that the economy of the region matters a lot. May be the economy of the region of the Urdu speaking communities is not as strong. However, it cannot be said for some regions of India. The economy of India is growing very fast these days.
Therefore, the population and the economy both are favorable in the growth and the promotion of the Urdu language and yet the language is not growing! The conclusion is that the lack of unity of the people who speak Urdu is the only thing, which is making the Urdu language unpopular.


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