Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Urdu is the language of decency and courtesy

There is no doubt that language has a huge role to play in a culture. Our behaviors and attitudes are influenced by the culture.  Culture is a broad term where there are many factors involved such as norms, attitudes etc.
Language plays its part enormously in a culture; it helps people to communicate with each other effectively and on same frequency. Effective communication breaks down all the complicated barriers and language provides that platform where everyone in the society can communicate effectively.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Lays The Foundation Of Urdu Poetry

Urdu Poetry
Urdu has a quite a rich and diverse cultural and historical evolutional journey to backup one of its most sough after genres, i.e. poetry. Its each and every poem has a uniqueness and distinction of its own, bestowing great appeal and satisfaction to its readers, but still, there are certain rules, regulations, and foundation stones upon which the amazing structure of its poems (and all of the poetry) is laid.
Described below are the most fundamental ones with respect to “Ghazal”, the most popular form of Urdu poetry. Ghazal is composed of distinct couplets, called “ashaar” indigenously. Now, each “ghazal” takes into account either all, or some of the factors given below.
  • Bahar: defines the meter or length of the couplet, with the restriction for each line of the couplet to have same “bahar”. There are 19 types of “bahar” categorized into short, medium or long ones.
  • Radeef: represent a word or phrase that is repeated at the end of second line of each couplet. It should be same throughout the poem.

Expanding Your Resources For Urdu Poetry

Urdu Poetry

Urdu is amongst top five of the most commonly spoken languages all across the globe with the number still on the rise every passing day due to the rich cultural and historical background it boasts to have over a period of some 900 years through the pages of history.
If you also happen to be one of the active readers of Urdu poetry, then it would be of great help to you to have a couple of excellent resources of Urdu poetry to please your aesthetic demands, all the same quenching your thirst of meaningful knowledge.
If you are living in a place, country, or city where reading material in this language is available, then your local library could be a convenient and helpful resource to grant access to some very good books of poetry to let you expose to the new knowledge and joys of the language.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Urdu alphabets writing style

 Urdu alphabets writing style

Urdu Alphabets Jingle Learning

Urdu Alphabets Jingle
My Zimbio
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